Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

As per CFR 91.109(c) to fly under simulated instrument conditions you must have a safety pilot that is at least a private pilot.
As per CFR 61.51(e)(iii) you may log PIC time if there is a requirement for a second pilot.  The link below has expanded guidance on the subject.

Can I fly overnight?

Yes, however you will be charged a 3-hour minimum per day, this is NOT in addition to your actual time.  If you rent for a week, you will be assessed as renting the aircraft at least 21 hours.

Wet Rates or Dry Rates?

All aircraft are rented at a wet rate and if you do have to fuel the aircraft during your trip send any receipts and your account will credited the charge. 

Should I get renters insurance?

It is highly recommended that you attain renters insurance.  While all aircraft will be insured there is the unfortunate term of "subrogation" which means an insurance company will try to recoup their money. 

Can I fly IMC?

No at this time our aircraft are all SLSA and they are not allowed to be a true IFR certified aircraft.